why books are important?
because,you can not learn in deep without books.there is no any source other than book to improve your knowledge.
videos are very easily understandable but not deep knowledge.if you want to learn basic you can go through videos but your basics are compleate and you want you grow more then
you need to go with books.
important books:
1.web Application hackers handbook:

it is very important book. it is placed in the top.The author of this book is Daffyd stuttard who is creater of @Burp_suite and @websecAcademy and the founder and CEO of @Portswigger
all trending things about penitration testing are included in this book.which is written by the great author.all tranding attacks are given in this book
so you can buy and read this book.if you want to buy that book you can click on the link.
2.web hacking 101:

This is the second one book which is amazing and very knowledgefull.even begineers are also go with this book all concept are explain is very simple language.
its very usefull for the begineers.this book specially made for the bug bounty hunters.updated attack are included in this book.how to find bug and how to report the bug.
The best article on the medium is that the one guy who get the "microsoft's hall of fame" by reading this book only.if you want this book free click on the link given below and it will redirect you on the hacker1 website.
you need to register there and they will be email you the e-copy of this book. or even you can click here to get the direct copy of this book.
3.Mastering Modern Web Penetration testing:

This is the indian autor's book and the explaination language are very simple to understand.
and the most amazing thing is that this book is made ion the updated topics like IDOR ,API hacking etc.
all new things are included in this books.and this one is also on the top.
4.Hacker's playBook 2:

This one is the specially made for the bugineers.The one of the best section in this book is that "web application security"
a lot of things are included in this book like "password cracking" "vulnerability scanning" "network pentesting" if you read this book that is
good but you have to read his next version that is "Hacker playlode 3" then you can learn a lot.
if you want to buy this book you can go through the link given below:
playbook 2:https://amzn.to/3l4zQgX
playbook 3:https://amzn.to/2UAeeOD
5.Penetration testing a hands on introduction to hacking:

This is the one of the best book. this is the bugineers to intermidiate book.
the one of the disadvantage is that this is not on the updated things.but if you want to learn another thing you can go with this.