If you can ready with all you prepration for the cybersecurity.like you was gain the experience ,passed with certification , and you are ready with resume .
Now usually you can think about how to find the job about your profession?
first we are go with the one of the best site to finding the jobs online.
first off all you need to build best profile on linkedin.and upload your resume on linkedin.
then tap on the job option and type the keyword about your jobs,like forensic analysis,security analysis,security engineer ,penitration tester etc
and then find the jobs in best area.
click on the apply it will redirect you in the componey website.
it provide you the varitive jobs and same processes like linkedin apply here.
apply to many jobs it may chances to get the job.
you can find the directly career pages of perticular componey and apply.But some in cases componey can not moniter the website but ypu can go with linkedin,naukri
If you want to make a jobs outside this is the best platform to find the jobs.this site work all over the world.like USA ,UK,LONDON ,ETC.